Call for Proposals tendering at U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF)
The U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF) invites proposals from African cooperatives, producer groups, and enterprises for grant financing and local support for innovative solutions aimed at increasing revenues, creating jobs, improving farmer incomes, and achieving sustainable market-based growth.
Eligibility: Proposals will be accepted from registered agricultural cooperatives, producer groups, and agricultural processors in Uganda specifically working in the coffee, maize, rice, cassava, vegetable oil (including palm oil), cotton, shea nut, banana, and dairy sectors. Innovative approaches to agricultural and economic development are also welcomed, including digitization, information technology, and renewable energy solutions.
Grant Details:
- Maximum award: US $250,000
- Applicants must demonstrate successful operation for at least 2 years, have a minimum of 200 active members or suppliers, and the capability to effectively utilize grant funds.
- Ownership and management must agree on the problem to be addressed and show a commitment to benefiting their community.
- Basic functional management and financial controls for at least 2 years are required to demonstrate the capability to account for USADF funds.
- Organizations must be Africa-owned and led.
- Applicants must not be government employees or employees of entities majority-owned by the government.
Successful Proposals Must:
- Have a clearly defined market opportunity to grow revenues and increase incomes.
- Present a clear plan for revenue and income growth within 2-4 years.
- Be able to make significant cash or in-kind contributions to the project.
- Directly impact hundreds of people and community members.
- Identify a path for growth after the USADF grant ends.
- Special consideration will be given to applications that incorporate innovative strategies, including new technologies and complementary finance.
- Special consideration will also be given to women-owned organizations and applications that promote youth.
SEE MORE: Advertisement Of Request For Proposal tendering at DanchurchAid
Application Process: For more details and to obtain application forms, visit https://www.usadf.gov/apply/ Submission Requirements:
- Application form
- Financial statements for the last 2 years
- Copy of registration document
Submit these documents to Uganda@usadf.gov by June 30, 2024.