Consultancy – Terms of Reference – Gender Analysis Consultancy – The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) in Uganda)
Consultancy Title: Terms of Reference – Gender Analysis Consultancy
Organisation: The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) in Uganda)
Project Title: Gender-Responsive Economic Enhancement & Natural Ecosystems Resilience (GREENER) Project
Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda
- Project Background:
The GREENER project aims to enhance social and ecological resilience to climate vulnerability in targeted ‘hotspots’ of the Albertine Rift region of Uganda. By integrating climate mitigation and adaptation response strategies into local practices, the project seeks to safeguard socioeconomic assets, livelihoods, and ecosystem services from climate-induced risks.
- Introduction
The consultant will be responsible for conducting a gender analysis within the framework of the GREENER project, focusing on the planned Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) activities. The analysis aims to identify gender inequalities in restoration opportunities and prioritize women’s needs and participation in the project activities.
- Activity: Provide gender disaggregated support to target communities to undertake reforestation of catchment buffer zones and community forests. Conduct gender analysis for planned FLR is to identify gender inequalities in restoration opportunities and identify women’s priorities.
- Objectives:
- To assess the current gender dynamics within the target communities related to forest restoration activities.
- To identify gender-specific challenges, opportunities, and priorities in relation to forest landscape restoration.
- To recommend gender-responsive strategies to address identified inequalities and empower women in participating effectively in forest landscape restoration activities.
- Scope of Work:
- Review existing literature, reports, and data relevant to gender dynamics, forest restoration, and community participation in the project area.
- Conduct consultations and interviews with key stakeholders including community members, local leaders, women’s groups, and project implementers to gather qualitative data on gender roles, responsibilities, and perceptions related to forest restoration.
- Analyse the collected data to identify gender inequalities, barriers, and opportunities in participating in FLR activities.
- Develop a comprehensive gender analysis report outlining findings, recommendations, and gender-responsive strategies for integrating women’s needs and priorities into FLR activities.
- Deliverables:
- Inception Report outlining the methodology, work plan, and tools for conducting the gender analysis (within 5 days of contract commencement).
- Gender Analysis Report including findings, recommendations, and action points (within 15 days of contract commencement).
- Presentation of the Gender Analysis Report to project stakeholders (within 18 days of contract commencement).
- Final Gender Analysis Report: A revised and finalized version of the report incorporating feedback from project stakeholders. (within 21 days of contract commencement).
- Timeline:
The consultancy is expected to be completed within 21 working days from the date of contract signing.
- Reporting:
The consultant will report to the Program Manager and collaborate closely with the program team throughout the consultancy.
- Qualifications and Experience:
- Advanced degree in Gender Studies, Development Studies, Social Sciences, or related field.
- Proven experience in conducting gender analysis and integrating gender considerations into development projects.
- Familiarity with forestry, climate change, and community-based conservation initiatives in Uganda.
- Excellent analytical, communication, and report-writing skills.
- Submission of Proposals:
Interested consultants/firms should submit their proposals, including a detailed methodology, timeline, and budget, to yapiny@janegoodall.org by COB April 18th, 2024.
Deadline: 18th April 2024
- Evaluation and Selection
Consultants will be evaluated based on their qualifications, relevant experience, proposed methodology, and budget. The consultant offering the most competitive and comprehensive proposal will be selected.
Jane Goodall Institute reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if they do not meet the project’s requirements or expectations.
- Contact Information
For further inquiries, please contact yapiny@janegoodall.org.